It is likely that you have heard someone who is successful talk about living a better life than you have right now…the kind of life most people only dream about. They probably inspired you to think about living your life according to where you want to go rather than living the rest of your life according to your present circumstances. You’ve heard others talk about how they were flat broke and started with nothing, but built their business to a multiple six figure and even seven figure incomes… and they encouraged you that you can do the same thing so that YOU also can become financially independent.

What the millionaire didn’t tell you is what was going to be required on your part to achieve the same success: and maybe it is a good thing he didn’t or they might have scared you away or left you doubting rather than believing. We don’t realize what it took for someone else to get the results that got them to the Top. But you are here, because in your heart, you believe that Free Enterprise may hold the answer for you.
Therefore, you are probably looking to start a
legitimate home based business or you have already begun and now, you are looking to get results; results that will make you a six or seven figure earner like the top earners. That is what I wanted: to become a six figure earner my first year. Did it happen? No. Did I give up? No! I am here because I believed that if I could acquire the attributes that 7-figure earners have, then I could do it too. I will be very honest with you. When I got started in Network Marketing, I was scared. My body shook when I first would pick up the phone to call a prospect. I would shutter and sometimes draw a blank and not know what to say . Thank God, I had a script to follow so I could keep going. Did any of those first prospects join my business? No, they did not. I was coming at them with fear and doubt like you wouldn’t believe and I’m sure they could sense it on the other end. I’m sure they thought to themselves, ‘this isn’t the type of leader that I want to follow’. My massive action was getting me nowhere. My confidence and self worth were actually declining and my mind was racing with thoughts of failure.
Here I was, like many others, faced with a major challenge. Do I throw in the towel and quit?…or do I persist and work hard on building the attributes that are necessary to make me financially independent like I want to be. My answer was this: I am going to search the matter out until I find the right niche and the right people who can take me there.
You’ve maybe heard it said, that your income follows your personal growth. I was led to believe that hard work alone would do it. As a farmer and truck driver, I’ve seen many others achieve much success on hard work alone and maybe a little strategy. But in this industry where I now have to be a mentor and coach to others, I found that I needed a lot of education before I would have the confidence to be the leader that others would choose to join and follow. I realized that my ‘How-To’ education was going to be the most important part of building a 7-figure income, and the entrepreneur development program at Pinnacle Evolution proved to be the vehicle to take me there. Having the fastest ‘0 to One Million Dollar earner ‘ in the industry and one of the leading Emotional Intelligence Experts as my trainers has proved to pull the best out of me and to develop the confidence and self-worth that I needed to be successful in this industry.
If you are just beginning to start a legitimate home based business or if you are struggling to achieve success, I am certain that what we have here is going to benefit you greatly. You CAN grow the confidence that it takes to recruit others into your business. Yes, you CAN overcome the fear and doubt that may seem like a mountain to you. You CAN become the person that you want to be and you CAN achieve the success to reach your goals.
First of all, you must make the decision that you are not going to quit! Second, if you are going to build a solid and profitable business, the kind that will give your grandchildren a future, would you agree with me that it is in your best interest that you get started building the skills that you will need, starting right now? Third, you will need to work with partners and mentors that have the personalities that match who you are and who you want to become. Begin to surround yourself with others who are confident and positive.
“Those who will be the leaders of Tomorrow are the students of the leaders Today.”
For more information on how you can start building confidence for your success,
click here.
Helping you to build wealth successfully,
Paul Mattison