The reason most of us engage in any business, whether a home business or a conventional business, is to MAKE MONEY! But more often than not, there are things that each of us struggle with that keeps us from achieving the success that we desire. What can we do to fix these problems? How can I get past my fears and lack of action? How do I break a my bad habits?
This past year, I have been a part of an Entrepreneurial Development program. We join together via telephone five days a week and receive encouragement and challenges from skillful mentors. They understand what it is that we are facing because they themselves have had to face the same challenges and fears that we all face to overcome them. For me, it has been a challenge to do my daily chore of doing my internet marketing. My other work gets priority or family schedules etch out the hours and minutes of my day.
I began to realize that I was not making headway with these issues on my own but when my mentor and business coach began to challenge me in these areas, I learned what it was that I needed to do in order to achieve consistency in my marketing endeavors. My mentor taught me that I needed to choose one thing I wanted to conquer or one habit that I wanted to break. Then stick with it for 8 weeks and make sure to do the task or refrain from doing a bad habit each and every day.
Now that I began to realize what it was that was holding me back, I am able to start retraining myself to make new habits and discipline myself each and every day. When the going gets tough, my trainer is there to give me the encouragement that I need to keep pressing on and not give up.
One by one, those things that were roadblocks to making the kind of money that I wanted to make are being laid to rest. With patience, bad habits are being broken and fears are being overcome.
Every aspiring entrepreneur needs to have a development program like this. To learn more, go to for the schedule or
take a tour of our program at