Is there anyone out there I can even Trust?
Does anyone tell the Truth anymore?
Is there even a legitimate internet business that I can start?
These were some of the questions I was wrestling with after being deceived by Hot Cars and Big Houses, promises of success if I joined their program, promises of all the help I needed and after being scammed and lied to. I had these words of doubt running through my mind: Is there anything Legitimate out there!?
The Idea of marketing on the Internet was very appealing to me. After being involved in an MLM, I knew the power of residual income but I wanted to incorporate the internet with my business. I received call after call after submitting my name only to a few sites. Well trained recruiters painted a beautiful picture to me how I could become very RICH if I purchase THEIR business package; and some of them said it would all be done on auto pilot! That meant I did not have to work hard at it…quite appealing.
Well, I fell for a few of those to the tune of several thousand dollars. The first company was a complete scam and was shut down by the Government! The other two took my money and I never saw a sale; no, not one. The coaching and help that I was suppose to receive never happened. Only, sales reps would call twisting my arm to upgrade my package. I felt like all anyone wanted was my money and that no one cared about helping me to make money. I just wanted to start a legitimate home based business and make some money.
Fortunately, I still had a source of income or my family and I would have starved to death. My banker was getting a bit nervous too. Growing up on the farm, I learned to work hard and to be responsible. My parents and community taught me to walk in integrity and to be truthful at all times…even if it costs me financially.
My heart was set on being a successful Internet marketer. Though I was hurt and disappointed, I kept pressing on. Thank God that I ran into someone who spoke the truth and got me set on the right path…someone with integrity who wasn’t after my money but sincerely wanted to help me. I had found someone that I could believe and trust and they didn’t always say what I wanted to hear either. But it was what I needed to hear! Now I want to return the favor others who are struggling to make money from home by helping them to find true legitimate opportunities and avoid the scams and above all, loosing money.
Here is my advice. Don’t buy into anything quickly. First get acquainted with the company or opportunity. Be sure you understand the important things about it. Then talk to someone knowledgeable about the company and then don’t proceed unless you feel that you can trust them. Any legitimate business will understand this and will hold their best deal for you while you build rapport with them.
For more information on finding someone you can trust to help you start a legitimate home based business, click here.
Email this to a friend you know could use this help.
To your success,
Paul Mattison
Marketing With Integrity