When choosing a business, there are several things to consider which are important to you making money or you losing money in your home business. Be sure to consider each of these points when making your decision.
· Continuity product program – does it continue to expand on a real time basis. This is important as the market is continually changing as well as the marketing strategies that we need to use.
· World Class Training - does the company you are looking at provide world class training and support? Most of the time the distributors and enrollers are providing most of the training which takes a lot of time and skills. Few people have the time and skills necessary.
· No pass up sales – When you get into business I assume that you are doing it to make money. If you make a sale, do you want to give those profits to someone else when you did the work and bore the expense? No. I wouldn’t either.
· In profit with only 3 people – Wouldn’t it be nice to be making money without having to recruit many people? Well you can in some business opportunities. Make sure that the business is set up so that you can start making profits fast. Also check the commission percentage. Seven or eight percent is pretty low. Aim for fifty percent, otherwise you will just be making money for your sponsor and upline.
· Marketing set up service – when we first get started, most of us don’t know anything about getting everything set up. Does company X offer me help in getting my marketing set up?
· Focus Group – will you have access to the leaders of the company? Can you share your ideas with someone who has the power to implement them in the company if they are viable? Will I have the opportunity to express my concerns or get things changed that don’t work. This should be on a regular basis.
· Combination of high and low profit points – Everyone has different needs and desires. Is there something for everyone or will I be limited to the few people who want what I have or can afford it? The majority of the people coming into this industry don’t have extra money.
· Ultimate product – What is the ultimate product? In the affiliate marketing and network marketing or MLM business arena, the most important thing for me or any newbie coming into the business is to have the proper training, teaching and entrepreneur development program so that their success can be certain. There are companies that provide this part of the equation and do a very good job at it. In the past, the industry has had a 97% failure rate and that has been largely because this part – the know how training – has been sorely missing. Make sure that you have this kind of training available even if you have to outsource it from your primary company.
For an example of a company that provides excellent know how training and entrepreneur development, click here.
I’m know that you are like everyone else; you are in business to make money. So do your homework and make sure that the business opportunity that you are looking for has these competitive advantages so that you are sure to make money.