This past week I have been taking the 21 Day Challenge. It has been a good week and I am now getting more accomplished each day than I was before!
You might be wondering what is that all about? Well my entrepreneur development coach is the one who challenged each of her students to take the challenge. Our lives are filled with many different things. Many of them are important things such as Work, Family, Church, House work, Helping others and many of them are not so important such as watching TV, Surfing the Internet (for fun) or reading all of our emails, or maybe just relaxing and thinking about what is going on in our life.
Most of us have a dream or a goal that we would like to reach and accomplish during our lifetime or maybe even this year. That dream may be to be an entrepreneur making six figures, or maybe a Noble cause of some type, or maybe to doing something for your family, or to just have freedom in your life. Maybe you just need to make ends meet for your family. But more often than not, for most people those THINGS that take up our time keep us from ever reaching our dream, UNLESS… we take the challenge and deal with those things that are obstacles keeping us from seeing our goals fulfilled.
If that is you, I want to invite you to join me in the 21 Day Challenge. Every week day at 11:00am EST I join my coach in the Seize Your Day conference call. If you are an aspiring entrepreneur and want to grow, this is a free training session—every day! Take advantage of it!
Yes it’s not easy to obtain your dream. That’s why most people never reach it. I am challenging you to not be satisfied where you are at right now. Take the challenge and be one of those that can say, I DID IT!!!