Do you ever start out your day with great plans to get much accomplished? You are all excited about the ideas that you have and then… this comes up and then that. Your family needs your attention, you look at your emails and see that there are several items that draw your attention. Then it’s time to prepare a meal and get the mail…then bills to pay and now the kids are back from school and they need help with homework. Then there’s a game or a concert to attend and now time to get everyone to bed and… I have yet to get anything done with my home business!
Oh me!!! I feel like nothing has been accomplished today. How am I going to make money at this rate? Have you ever been in this situation? If you are a Home Business Entrepreneur, then you probably can identify with me very clearly. It happens to all of us. It sure has to me and until I started getting daily inspiration from an experienced mentor who knew how to help me in the many areas of my life that were keeping me from achieving the success that I wanted to achieve, I struggled and struggled.
Now after being mentored by a professional for the last year, I have learned to work through and around those incidentals that come up every day and still get my work completed. I have learned to set my priorities and what time of the day I need to wrap things up and most importantly, what things need to get done before I open my email or go to the mailbox or even before the kids get up for school. Without the help of my mentor, I would still be struggling with several of these obstacles. Now I am able to be challenged in other areas that will make me more productive and that means more successful financially and that’s that reason I’m in business in the first place.
Maybe you are afraid to even begin a new business venture because you know that there are so many things going on every day of your life. You might feel that you will be overwhelmed if you take on any more. But, if you have a burning desire to make a change in your life for the better for you and your family, or maybe to help others outside of your family, then I want to encourage you to go ahead and start to do that extra thing that is needed to make this all possible. Whether that is to start a home business or take the extra job or whatever you see fit for you, get started now and also get connected to someone who can help you with the obstacles of your busy day. Learn how to get more done in two hours than most people get done in a day!
Yes, it’s possible! I know a mother of 8 who is working very successfully in a multi-level home business. She spends a couple hours a day with her business and still has time to cook, wash dishes, wash clothes, help the kids with their homework and drive the kids to the places they need to go and tend to the needs or her husband. Busy lady? Yes. Worth the effort? Yes, because now they are making ends meet. Now every child has shoes..that fit. Now it is your turn to begin to have more in your life. I am here to help you to be successful on your Journey.
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